Enrike´s Coffee

0 años

Enrike´s Coffee Palma

Café (mayoristas) en Palma

Enrike´s Coffee

 Servicio a domicilio

Carrer Biniali, 8 , 07008, Palma (ILLES BALEARS)

Contacta con Enrike´s Coffee

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* Campo obligatorio
0 años

Sello de Beedigital

Información y servicios de Enrike´s Coffee

Desde 1994- enrike’s coffee was born on the gorgeous little island of mallorca and more particularly in the buzzling town of palma. With a lifelong passion for food, wine and coffee .


Café (mayoristas)

Acerca de Enrike´s Coffee

Desde 1994- enrike’s coffee was born on the gorgeous little island of mallorca and more particularly in the buzzling town of palma. With a lifelong passion for food, wine and coffee the taste of enrike’s has evolved into the perfect ending to a gorgeous meal as well as an exquisite morning or midday treat. We value quality, creativity and craftsmanship. On top of that we are convinced that love, passion honesty and a bit of old fashioned fun are integral parts of any successful and happy life or business. Based on this simple philosophy we carefully select the venues we want to work with."